Blog Response 4

Akira Kurosawa- Composing Movement
I actually watched seven samurai when I was young because my father insisted that it was groundbreaking cinema that I needed to see. At the time (I was probably 10 or so) I didn't really "get" it- I didn't understand why it was different or special. I didn't realize that this was because I had grown up watching directors who were inspired by Kurosawa's style. I recently watched a similar video essay on the cinematography in Parasite, which brought to my attention the way that traditional ideas of composition are also present in film making. From the clips in this video, it seems that Kurosawa made a concerted effort to compost each shot, making every moment dynamic and visually interesting. I admire the intentionality with which he directed his films.

Satoshi Kon- Editing Space and Time
I have been a massive anime fan for most of my life, beginning with my Mom's work related travel to japan when I was in elementary school. Anime has shaped my appreciation for all art- I first began drawing in the anime style because I wanted to emulate the beautiful illustrations in manga. Early anime films have had a massive effect on film in the west, and a lot of our most famous directors have been inspired by japanese works. I found Tony's analyzation of the cuts in Kon's movies very interesting, and he points out things I never would have seen. Having one scene melt into the next creates a beautiful, dreamlike effect which complements the storyline.

How To Structure A Video Essay
This is a pretty interesting video for me because I actually attempted to make a video essay for an english project on Othello last year. I'm proud of that work, but thinking back on it, it was definitely long, boring, and not very cinematic. Could I make a video essay for this project? I would like to try again with my newfound knowledge!

I think all my favorite movies are my favorites because I find them poetic. They don't always fully explain what has happened or why, but they are beautiful, and convey a great deal of emotion. As I write this, I think of one of my very favorite movies, Ghostworld. The film has an air of surreality, magic, and strangeness while also being very "every-day". The ending is open to interpretation, which I really love.


  1. You can absolutely make a video essay for this project.


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